Tag Archives: splashiest

Adam Lambert is a Beautiful Person

Dubbing Adam Lambert as “the splashiest singer ever to lose on American Idol ” isn’t exactly a bold statement. But the latest issue of Paper Magazine did cause waves this week when it named Lambert one of The Most Beautiful People in the World. Such a designation is typically reserved for Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt or Robert Pattinson . What attributes does Adam possess that caused him to be included in such company? The publication cites his knack for attention, costumes and controversy. But Lambert doesn’t think he’s actually that controversial. “Most of what I do doesn’t feel controversial,” he says. “I’m just the same Adam I’ve always been, and in the circles I run in, it’s not all that shocking.” But it is all that sexy, at least to millions of fans. Are you among them? Do you think Adam Lambert is one of The Most Beautiful People in the World?

Adam Lambert is a Beautiful Person