Tag Archives: sprays-dudes

Kelly Brook for Lynx Campaign of the DAy

I posted these pictures of Kelly Brook yesterday or the day before, hell it all feels the fucking same, but I know it was recently, and after reflecting on the shit, I have no idea what the fuck I was thinking, shit is boring and un-masturbatable, I think I was just ripping into the horrible scent of these body sprays dudes think girls like, cuz I’m exposed to it enough to know how offensive the shit is, but it doesn’t seem so bad in video…when the titties are in motion…so watch it if you care…I should be getting paid for this…but Lynxx thinks this site is too pornographic…maybe we should email them a complaint … cuz this motherfucker’s got bills to pay and a private jet to buy…

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Kelly Brook for Lynx Campaign of the DAy