Tag Archives: stand-the-test

Lady Gaga, Metallica Grammy Performance Plagued By Mic Issues

Lady Gaga and Metallica's Grammys duet was plagued by technical problems Sunday night, but the unlikely collaboration still worked. As well as it could have, at least, considering that James Hetfield's microphone wasn't working … not a small issue for a rock band. For the first minute, Gaga effectively took over as lead singer while Hetfield sang “Moth Into Flame” lyrics into an ineffective mic. Those who watched the 2017 Grammy Awards live on CBS knew what was going on, but you could barely tell watching the artists. Handling it like … well, rock stars, they didn't miss a beat. Hetfield and Gaga shared ended up sharing her mic, adding a cool theatrical element to the performance, albeit an unplanned one. Gaga even launched herself into the sellout audience for some crowd surfing at one point, a throwback to Metallica concerts of yore. Even old school Metallica fans had to appreciate that … With a mix of their heavy metal grit and her pop bombast, not to mention insane pyrotechnics and headbangers, they gave it their all. While you might not expect these two acts to perform together, given their different musical styles, both are performers in the true sense. As for how this collaboration ended up happening? “I was at Bradley [Cooper's] house with Lars [Ulrich, Metallica's drummer] and we were just hanging out,” Gaga said recently. “He's amazing. I went to see them live.” “I saw them recently and we were watching the show,” she added, “those guys play better than they’ve played in their whole lives.” The Grammys capped a huge week for the pop icon. One week earlier, the career-spanning medley that was the  Lady Gaga Super Bowl halftime show was widely praised as a success. She, not unlike James Hetfield and his fellow band members, has put together an impressive resume that will stand the test of time. As for Metallica, the metal greats was nominated last night for Best Rock Song for “Hardwired,” but lost to David Bowie's “Blackstar.”  Watch the tandem rock the Grammys below!

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Lady Gaga, Metallica Grammy Performance Plagued By Mic Issues

Black and White Topless Togetherness of the Day

Here’s a photoshoot that I think is so powerful and relevant today…. Not because of all the cop vs black people in the media…reminding us that America is racist, to keep us divided as a people, so that we don’t really notice or pay attention to the real issues of government control…and pretty much the end of any freedom we once had… Make black people hate white people while Mexicans make them food and Chinese make them everything else….kinda huslte… This is relevant…because girls touching each other is always relevant…that shit will stand the test of time… Titty Smooshing…The photographer’s name is Anne Barlinckhoff …. The post Black and White Topless Togetherness of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Black and White Topless Togetherness of the Day

Former GOP Gov. Mike Huckabee Ad Says Christians Have A Duty To Vote Against Obama Or Face Hell’s Fiery Flames! [Video]

This isht has gone too far! In a new pro-GOP ad voiced by former Governor Mike Huckabee , Christians are admonished against voting for Obama on election day! Via HuffPo : Mike Huckabee has a dire warning for Christians: When you vote on Nov. 6, hell’s fire awaits, and a vote for President Barack Obama will not stand up to the flames. In a new ad, the former Arkansas governor and ordained Southern Baptist minister warns Christians that their votes “will affect the future and be recorded in eternity” and they must cast a ballot that will “stand the test of fire.” The video, entitled “Test of Fire,” features symbolic fiery imagery and is narrated by Huckabee: Christians across the nation will have an opportunity to shape the future for our generation and generations to come. Many issues are at stake, but some issues are not negotiable: The right to life from conception to natural death. Marriage should be reinforced, not redefined. It is an egregious violation of our cherished principle of religious liberty for the government to force the church to buy the kind of insurance that leads to the taking of innocent human life. Your vote will affect the future and be recorded in eternity. Will you vote the values that will stand the test of fire? This is Mike Huckabee asking you to join me November the 6th and vote based on values that will stand the test of fire. The “Test of Fire” ad is connected to Value Voters USA, an organization of Christian and nondenominational citizens who believe it’s important to vote based on life, family and faith this November, according to Politico. Huckabee does not mention Mitt Romney by name in the ad, but he has publicly endorsed the Republican candidate. His conservative views on marriage, abortion and contraception mandates did not sit well with some. “Mike Huckabee has a new ad out chastising Christians to set aside their concerns about jobs, the economy and taxes to focus on what really matters: the government’s power to interfere with the private lives of strangers,” quips Slate’s Amanda Marcotte. “In other words, anybody who doesn’t vote against the healthcare of women and family security of same-sex couples is going to Hell,” writes Think Progress reporter Zack Ford, while the Daily Kos boils it down to Huckabee’s war on sex. Huckabee has been an avid opponent of same-sex marriage and joined ranks with Chick-fil-A after the company’s chief executive Dan Cathy publicly supported the “biblical definition” of a family unit. In 2008, Huckabee pushed to “amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards rather than try to change God’s standards so it lines up with some contemporary view.” SMH this is that bullisht though. Do you think people will be swayed by it???

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Former GOP Gov. Mike Huckabee Ad Says Christians Have A Duty To Vote Against Obama Or Face Hell’s Fiery Flames! [Video]