Tag Archives: start-modeling

Devin Brugman And Her Big Boobs Are Hard At Work Being An InstaModel

As my regular readers know,  Devin Brugman here is probably the second-hottest bikini blogger in the business right now. After myself, of course. (Don’t laugh. You’ve probably never seen me in a Speedo.) Anyway, the only difference is, Devin actually models the bikinis herself. And yeah, OK, fine, maybe those massive funbags make her the new #1… But just wait until I start modeling banana hammocks on Instagram too. » view all 12 photos Continue reading

Meet Dutch Hottie Cato Van Ee

I know this has to be the first post I’m doing on Cato Van Ee here, because with a name like that, I’m pretty sure I would’ve remembered her. And according to my research, Cato’s Dutch, got her start modeling at 14 (don’t worry, she’s 24 now), and has one of my new favorite bikini bodies. I was going to say Instagram accounts, but that changes on pretty much a daily basis. Actually, come to think of it, so does the bikini body thing too. Oh well. I guess just enjoy it while it lasts Cato. I know I will. » view all 13 photos

Originally posted here:
Meet Dutch Hottie Cato Van Ee