In case you were wondering…Rachel Bilson is still pregnant. No late term abortions, miscarriages, or accidental falls down the stairs by her husband Luke Skywalker, because knocking her up has been his plan since the 90s, he just finally trapped her into it properly…. She’s also pushing the limit of appropriate bikini behavior, because we all know when a girl in pregnant, bikinis aren’t really anything anyone who doesn’t have a ready to drop fetish want to see… But when it comes to first pregnancies, where vagina is still intact, there is a little more grey area on when it’s decent or not…and if you’re a Bilson fan, despite her not really doing much the last decade, you either really hate that her ride is over, or love seeing her life happen before your creepy fucking eyes… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
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Rachel Bilson Pregnant in a Bikini of the Day