Tag Archives: still-recently

Is THIS The Reason Mel B Filed For Divorce From Stephen Belafonte??

Family Member Reveals Reason For Mel B And Stephen Belafonte Divorce Despite still recently being all lovey-dovey with her husband of 10 years, Mel B abruptly filed papers to end her union with Stephen Belafonte a few weeks back. The couple has taken their gaggle of daughters to family therapy to ease their adjustment to the new normal, and even though they’ve each been spotted with their rings, it’s looking like it’s truly lights out for their marriage. Now, a family member is shedding light as to why. Stephen’s brother-in-law Jeremiah Stansbury spoke with an Australian morning show on Wednesday, and said that it was basically Mel and Stephen’s “fun, loose, open” parameters for their relationship that spelled out disaster for the duo. The problem, he says, was that Stephen took the idea and ran with it…thinking that Mel’s openness and willingness to “play” a bit was a license to do whatever he wanted with whomever he wanted. Essentially — treating it as if he were “a kid in a candy store,” and having a little too much fun with the loose rules. Sound familiar ? That ‘open relationship’ stuff sure doesn’t quite appear to be the key to happiness that a lot of couples assume it might be, hm? Splash

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Is THIS The Reason Mel B Filed For Divorce From Stephen Belafonte??

Is THIS The Reason Mel B Filed For Divorce From Stephen Belafonte??

Family Member Reveals Reason For Mel B And Stephen Belafonte Divorce Despite still recently being all lovey-dovey with her husband of 10 years, Mel B abruptly filed papers to end her union with Stephen Belafonte a few weeks back. The couple has taken their gaggle of daughters to family therapy to ease their adjustment to the new normal, and even though they’ve each been spotted with their rings, it’s looking like it’s truly lights out for their marriage. Now, a family member is shedding light as to why. Stephen’s brother-in-law Jeremiah Stansbury spoke with an Australian morning show on Wednesday, and said that it was basically Mel and Stephen’s “fun, loose, open” parameters for their relationship that spelled out disaster for the duo. The problem, he says, was that Stephen took the idea and ran with it…thinking that Mel’s openness and willingness to “play” a bit was a license to do whatever he wanted with whomever he wanted. Essentially — treating it as if he were “a kid in a candy store,” and having a little too much fun with the loose rules. Sound familiar ? That ‘open relationship’ stuff sure doesn’t quite appear to be the key to happiness that a lot of couples assume it might be, hm? Splash

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Is THIS The Reason Mel B Filed For Divorce From Stephen Belafonte??