Tag Archives: stop-the-court

CBS’s Pelley Promotes Claim Supreme Court ‘Stole’ 2000 Election for Bush in John Paul Stevens Interview

In a softball interview with retired liberal Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens on Sunday's 60 Minutes, correspondent Scott Pelley touted Stevens's opposition to the court ruling on the 2000 presidential election: “He thinks [Bush v. Gore] is one of the Court's greatest blunders….There were many people in this country who felt that the Supreme Court stole that election for President Bush.” Pelley introduced the segment by proclaiming that Stevens “has shaped more American history than any Supreme Court justice alive” and made “decisions that have changed our times.” The decisions Pelley focused on were the Justice's most liberal: “It was Stevens who forced a showdown with President Bush over the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, and Stevens who tried to stop the court from deciding the presidential election of 2000.” read more

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CBS’s Pelley Promotes Claim Supreme Court ‘Stole’ 2000 Election for Bush in John Paul Stevens Interview