Tag Archives: stop-the-pouty

Kylie Jenner: PISSED She Can’t Go Clubbing With Tyga on New Year’s Eve!

It’s easy to forget due to her demeanor, appearance, and the fact that she seemingly hasn’t attended school in several years, but Kylie Jenner is only 17 years old. Sure, Kylie is dating Tyga , who’s 25 and already has a kid and an ex-fiancee. And yes, Kylie’s changing face  suggests she’s had plenty of work done, and we generally associate cosmetic surgery with aging Real Housewives rather than high school-aged teens, but at the end of the day Kylie is still a minor. Unfortunately (in this case) she’s also a famous minor, which means underage clubbing with her much older boyfriend is virtually impossible: Bouncers are unlikely to be fooled by a fake ID, and even if Kylie sneaks in, she’ll probably be spotted by a snitch. But apparently, none of that is enough to stop the pouty reality star from trying: “[Kylie and Tyga] love to party together and Kylie is pissed she can’t go clubbing on New Year’s Eve like everyone else she knows,” a source tells Radar Online. “She is telling her sisters that it’s not fair that she’s so famous because she can’t get a fake ID or go out to a club without everyone automatically knowing who she is. That isn’t going to stop her from trying to sneak in tonight, though.” Complaining that you’re too famous to get into clubs when you’re underage might be the firstiest First World problem we’ve ever heard of. If they’d only planned in advance, Kylie and Tyga could’ve gone to Europe again  to take advantage of the continent’s lower drinking ages. But don’t worry, T-Raw – 2015 is the year your girlfriend finally becomes legal! Gross! 32 Wildly Inappropriate Photos of Kylie Jenner 1. Kylie Jenner Cleavage Pic Kylie Jenner squats and shows off her cleavage in this photo. NOTE: She is 16 years old.

See the original post:
Kylie Jenner: PISSED She Can’t Go Clubbing With Tyga on New Year’s Eve!