Tag Archives: stopped-haters

Love 4 Gabby: Celebrities Are Pouring Out Support For Gabby Douglas And Shutting Up The Haters

@gabrielledoug here's my 5 yo doing a backhand spring for the 1st time this week. You inspired her! #LOVE4GABBYUSA pic.twitter.com/LaJ9TbT4Rs — Dee (@DeeviusDee) August 15, 2016 Love And Support For Gabby Douglas Gabby Douglas has gone across the world for the last four years, winning gold medals and representing her country. However that hasn’t stopped haters from giving her a hard time about things like hair and if she had her hand on her heart during the National Anthem. Eff all of that. Let’s pour our love and support to Gabby because she deserves it. Keep it going!

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Love 4 Gabby: Celebrities Are Pouring Out Support For Gabby Douglas And Shutting Up The Haters