Tag Archives: stopped-smiling

GM salmon Frankenfish

Comments by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (NaturalNews) It's that time of year again, when the FDA gathers its experts to decide what new horror to unleash into the food supply. This year it's genetically modified salmon, a “frankenfish” pumped up with extra growth hormone genes that make it rapidly grow into a kind of super-Schwarzenegger creature that's triple the size of a regular salmon. And you're supposed to eat this, by the way. In fact, the FDA will almost certainly allow this to be sold without any warning labels, so now when you buy salmon at the store, you'll have no way to tell whether it's normal salmon or frankenfish GM salmon. This is just the latest form of “food quackery” to receive the FDA's endorsement. Well, technically the FDA hasn't officially decided to approve it yet, but FDA officials have already announced — ahead of the public meeting — that they believe GM salmon is safe. It's a good bet they intend to allow it to enter the food supply. Genetically modified salmon is “is as safe as food from conventional Atlantic salmon,” according to an FDA statement on its website. “There is a reasonable certainty of no harm from consumption of food from this animal.” But even if that's true, that's not the only worry here: The other major concern is about the environmental impact of GM salmon escaping to the wild (or their eggs escaping) and genetically polluting the world's salmon stocks. Now, sure, the company creating these frankenfish promises that will never happen. They insist on it. But gee, have you ever heard of industrial accidents? That's where things go wrong that everybody promised would never go wrong. Bhopal, India comes to mind. Or Chernobyl. There are seemingly countless cases where companies that promised nothing would go wrong end up apologizing when things went terribly wrong. How can we be sure GM salmon won't one day turn into another large-scale disaster? One way would be to conduct safety testing before pursuing full-scale production. But that isn't being done. To my knowledge, there are no rigorous environmental or human health safety tests being conducted on GM salmon whatsoever. So, in effect, we are the experiment. The FDA, if it approves GM salmon, will be launching a brand new game called “let's play genetic roulette with the whole world and see what happens.” It's a stupid way to proceed with something as potentially dangerous as genetic pollution because if it escapes into the wild, it is irreversible. You can't take it back. Tell the FDA what you think The FDA's three-day panel starts this weekend! Sign up to attend the meeting and express your thoughts on the matter at the following link: http://www.naturalnews.com/029769_GM_salmon_frankenfish.html added by: treewolf39

Bernie Madoff, Free at Last?

-In prison he doesn’t have to hide his lack of conscience. In fact, he’s a hero for it. * By Steve Fishman Madoff was accustomed to hearing other inmates call his name. From July 14, the day he arrived, he’d been an object of fascination. Prisoners had assiduously followed his criminal career on the prison TVs. “Hey, Bernie,” an inmate would yell to him admiringly while he was at his job sweeping up the cafeteria, “I seen you on TV.” In return, Madoff nodded and waved, smiling that sphinxlike half-smile. “What did he say?” Madoff sometimes asked. But that evening an inmate badgered Madoff about the victims of his $65 billion scheme, and kept at it. According to K. C. White, a bank robber and prison artist who escorted a sick friend that evening, Madoff stopped smiling and got angry. “Fuck my victims,” he said, loud enough for other inmates to hear. “I carried them for twenty years, and now I’m doing 150 years.” read more at http://nymag.com/news/crimelaw/66468/ added by: iamaman