Tag Archives: strangers

The Ass Shake on the Strangers Car of the Day

This video is inspiring. The rumor is that it is taken of a random girl on a random care without permission from the car owner…and as a fan of all things sneaky, unplanned, spontaneous that involves shaking fat ass in panties, this shit is porn to me….Seriously, it’s like a flash booty dance…a glimpse into the trends of the future I hope…The Ass Shake Dance on the Strangers Car….an amazing new dance move….


The Ass Shake on the Strangers Car of the Day

Fan-Made Perfect Strangers Intro

Somebody needed to do it. Cory Calhoun and friends remade the Perfect Strangers intro shot-for-shot, except in Seattle instead of Chicago. I hope this turns into a competition.

Here is the original post:
Fan-Made Perfect Strangers Intro

Don't Go With That Stranger!

Strangersmart, a VHS from years past lets you know about all the strangers not to go home with.

Excerpt from:
Don't Go With That Stranger!