Tag Archives: street-artist

Banksy’s Dismaland Is Getting Packed Up And Sent To France

Anonymous street artist Banksy’s faux theme park, Dismaland, will be dismantled and sent to France to serve as housing for refugees.

See the article here:
Banksy’s Dismaland Is Getting Packed Up And Sent To France

Internationally Renowned Graffiti Artist Justin Bieber Gets A Banksy …

Looks like Justin Bieber just took his graffiti hobby to the next level with his latest tattoo! It looks to be inspired by “Balloon Girl,” a work by notorious British street artist Banksy. (Yeah, we saw “Exit Through The Gift Shop.” #what). Read the rest here: Internationally Renowned Graffiti Artist Justin Bieber Gets A Banksy …

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Internationally Renowned Graffiti Artist Justin Bieber Gets A Banksy …

In Theaters: Exit Through the Gift Shop

Exit Through the Gift Shop is the first and perhaps the last movie to be made by the mysterious English street artist Banksy, and although it’s partly about himself and his fellow night marauders — among them Shepard Fairey, now most famous for that ubiquitous red, blue and cream Obama poster, but also the creator of the Andre the Giant sticker campaign of the late 1980s — there’s nothing self-aggrandizing about it. Or perhaps everything about it is self-aggrandizing. The picture strives to capture the spirit and style of street art, and to make a bold statement about its commodification: Banksy’s work, in particular, is prized by collectors and fetches high prices in the art market. But if Banksy is getting rich, he doesn’t seem to be too happy about it. And so he has framed his film as a rags-to-raggedy riches story in which an enthusiastic street-art fan — a nutball Frenchman transplanted to Los Angeles named Thierry Guetta — first becomes a Banksy disciple and then surpasses his teacher, launching a mega-million-dollar art career of his own.

See the original post:
In Theaters: Exit Through the Gift Shop

Dash Snow Dead: Cult NY Artist Reportedly Dies of Overdose

NY street artist Dash Snow is rumored to have died of a drug overdose at the age of 27. Artist Earsnot, aka Kunle Irak, posted a message on Twitter.

Go here to see the original:
Dash Snow Dead: Cult NY Artist Reportedly Dies of Overdose