Tag Archives: student-scams

Scam Olympics Gold: College Student Swindles Over $150,000 Out Of Trump Supporters By Pretending To Be A Shunned Black MAGA Lover

Student Scams $150K Out Of Clueless Trump Supporters As Joanne The Scammer would say…ICONIC! A Howard University student who goes by the Twitter username of @chckpeas managed to finesse six figures out of MAGA lovers by simply pulling a Kanye routine and pretending to be a Black oppression enthusiast on social media. According to Elle.com , the young lady, who only identified herself as “Karen,” says the whole thing started as a satirical joke to shed light on how absolutely slow the MAGA-focused members of the Republican party can be. According to Karen, she randomly found the hat outside and decided to have a laugh. “I snapped a couple of pictures in it before my head started burning…and threw it away.” So, for sh*ts and giggles, she posted the pics in the too-little hat claiming she had been persecuted as a Black Republican and kicked out by her parents, who also refused to pay for her schooling any further if she was going to come up in their house with that bull-isht. “I saw that other black girl that posted about being a black Trump supporter, and I wanted to make fun of her.” Basically, she attached her faux sob-story — complete with texts from her “mother” about how she had to pack up and get out — to a GoFundMe. Needless to say, she received an OUTPOURING of support from sympathetic white folks who just wanted to see a young Black woman back up their beliefs. The funds poured out to the tune of $150,000. That is, until she posted this tweet revealing the jig: Trump is a racist, homophobic, transphobic, bigot AND YOU THINK MY BLACK ASS WOULD SUPPORT THAT ROTTING CARROT?? ridiculous. any black person can put on that ugly ass hat and say #MAGA and yall will instantly be up their ass cuz you wanna prove so hard you’re not racist — reformed republican (@chckpeas) November 1, 2018 Prompting her “supporters” who gave her their cash to call her all sorts of n-words, frauds, welfare-queens, doubting if she was even in college (or smart enough for it) the works. Meanwhile, Karen is giggling in paid student loans at the Republicans’ expense. “Yes, people haven’t hesitated to call me racial slurs, say that I’m just a ‘welfare bitch’ and not even in school, people telling me I’m going to jail (I’m not, my lawyer says I’m 100% okay), but there’s also overwhelming support and people that stan me which really cancels out the hate.” And above all else, she wanted to make this point: “Voting is coming up so I just wanted to remind people that Republicans are stupid and shouldn’t hold the majority anymore.” Welp. Can’t knock the hustle! Are you mad you didn’t think of it first? Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call

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Scam Olympics Gold: College Student Swindles Over $150,000 Out Of Trump Supporters By Pretending To Be A Shunned Black MAGA Lover