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Sydney Leathers Boasts of Trading Sex For Cash, Trolling Sugar Daddy Websites

Sydney Leathers, the girl at the heart of the Anthony Weiner sexting scandal (2013 edition), claims to have earned money from sex with older men. Leathers boasts of offering sex for money, as well as her rampant drug use, her desire to “ruin” Weiner and fear that she herself was being blackmailed. These shocking new revelations heap further embarrassment on the shamed New York City mayoral candidate, who is being pressured to quit the race . Weiner has steadfastly refused to drop out, despite falling from first to fourth place in Democratic primary polling since the sexting scandal broke. How long he can stay in remains an open question, however, especially after more information comes out about the dealings of Sydney Leathers . A series of Facebook message exchanges with friend Lou Colagiovanni, spanning a period of four months (April-July of this year) has come to light. In one June 6 message, Leathers stated: “I’m seeing this one sugar daddy right now who pays me $1,000 to go down on me for half an hour.” Colagiovanni asked: “Does he possess any skill or is it a dull 30 minutes? Ahh Well for $1,000 a few moans and shouts should be included.” Miss Leathers responded: “He isn’t very good at it but I can fake it … I don’t have to do anything except pretend I like it though so it’s not a bad gig lol.” In later communications, Sydney Leathers admitted to being active on a sugar daddy websites offering services to older men “on and off” for a year. “I get money from dudes I’ve never even met,” she claims. “People are super-pathetic. It’s funny. I have guys on the sugar daddy site message me over and over and over even though I don’t respond.” “One guy offered to marry me in the first message. Um dude, you have no f***ing clue who I am, you saw like 10 photos if that.” One of those men? Weiner, who “met” Leathers online when he “poked” her in response to a comment she made about his 2011 sexting scandal. Then the man asking 10 million people to trust him with their city sent nude photos, engaged in phone sex, professed his love and offered to get her an apartment in Chicago. Even Leathers herself is disgusted by that .

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Sydney Leathers Boasts of Trading Sex For Cash, Trolling Sugar Daddy Websites