Tag Archives: teachers-weren

Congratulations, Arizona: You’re Still Really, Really Racist For Having “Accent Monitors” In Classrooms

Arizona’s working really hard to become the most racist state in the union and it gets closer to achieving that goal every day. It turns out that the Arizona school board was sending representatives to classrooms to check and make sure that the teachers weren’t speaking with thick accents. That’s right. They didn’t want teachers with accents that indicated Hispanic heritage to teach their students. Some teachers even allege that they were sent to speech pathologists and acting coaches to help them get rid of their accents. After enough uproar, the city finally relented: After almost a decade of sending monitors to classrooms across the state to check on teachers’ articulation, recently made a sharp about-face on the issue. A federal investigation of possible civil rights violations prompted the state to call off its accent police. “To my knowledge, we have not seen policies like this in other states,” Russlynn H. Ali, the assistant federal secretary of education for civil rights, said in an interview. She called it “good news” that Arizona had altered its policy. It’s good to see that they’re changing the policy but…it’s pretty freaking ridiculous that this was even a rule in the first place. SMH.

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Congratulations, Arizona: You’re Still Really, Really Racist For Having “Accent Monitors” In Classrooms