Tag Archives: teaching mrs tingle

Michelle Williams is the Center of Attention in First Poster for My Week With Marilyn

Hopefully you aren’t tired of seeing Michelle Williams at the Academy Awards. The twice-nominated star stands a very good chance of becoming thrice nominated in 2012 thanks to her role as Marilyn Monroe in My Week With Marilyn . Whether or not the film holds water as an Oscar contender remains to be seen — it will debut at the New York Film Festival in October — but the first poster isn’t concerned with any of that; it’s all about Michelle-as-Marilyn. Click through for a look.

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Michelle Williams is the Center of Attention in First Poster for My Week With Marilyn

Bad Movies We Love: Teaching Mrs. Tingle

I’m afraid of Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark , but for silly reasons. It has something to do with the title, which sounds like either an eerie whisper at Neverland Ranch or a creepy Paul Anka hit, and the track record of Ms. Katie Holmes, who first tried to terrify us in 1999’s hyper-dorky Teaching Mrs. Tingle . You’d think Scream maestro Kevin Williamson would want to explore a darker teen fantasy than “getting back at a mean teacher,” but no — this movie is the horror equivalent of the Nickelodeon Takes Over Your School sweepstakes. Your history instructor is getting slimed! With her own blood! Sweet!

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Bad Movies We Love: Teaching Mrs. Tingle