Tag Archives: teen violence prevention

“I’m A Father First Organization” is Keeping Teens Safe By Keeping Them Busy for these 79 days of summer!

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Last summer there where a slew of teen shootings in metro Atlanta. These unfortunate events spawned the community to leap into action to stop any further any senseless violence and loss. (See Reec of Hot 107.9 on 11 Alive Talking about 2018 Teen Violence Prevention).  This year several organizations have banded together to be proactive in their approach to keep our communities teens safe this summer and prevent families from dealing with the tragedy that last years summer presented. This initiative has been dubbed #Project79, and the collaborative is spearheaded by Keith A. Lewis, Founder of I’m a father First Foundation. Through strategic partnerships with businesses, non profits, community leaders and venues, Project 79 will offer daily activities, job opportunities and mentors for teens, mainly young black boys and men. These initiatives will range from seminars, group  Stone Mountain climbs and even a water gun fight! Here are a few upcoming events!

“I’m A Father First Organization” is Keeping Teens Safe By Keeping Them Busy for these 79 days of summer!