You loved the Blair Witch Project , the Paranormal Activities , and all of the knockoff faux-doc horror pics that followed, so now ladies and gentlemen, here comes a Christian horror pic entitled Harmless . Shot, according to the film’s website, “in the popular found footage style,” the film tells the freaky tale of one wholesome family torn asunder and terrified… by a box of porn . Behold the horrors that await (in terribly staged, lo-fi scenes of temptation and terror) in the trailer for Harmless . But first! Let the makers of Harmless explain to you what their film is all about. From their official site : ” Harmless is a feature film shot in the popular found footage style. It’s the story about a husband and father and his battle with a box of porn that is found in the closet. Once opened, the box of porn begins to torment the family, much like a poltergeist. It’s sort of a social commentary on how pornography can destroy a family.” Naturally. To the film’s credit, the porn-obsessed family man with a home video camera does justify the found footage setup more than most films in the genre do. “Oh honey, I’m just documenting this for posterity,” wink wink… [ Christian Nightmares via Jezebel ]
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Christian Found Footage Horror Harmless Warns You About Evil Porn