Tag Archives: the-opposition

Mo’Ne Davis Pitches 2nd Straight Shutout In LLWS Win [Video]

Talk of the 2014 Little League World Series without mentioning 13-year-old Mo‘ne Davis would be ludicrous. The hoopla is about more than the Philadelphia native’s gender. Quite frankly, Davis, can pitch and for the second consecutive game, the opposition felt her wrath… Continue

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Mo’Ne Davis Pitches 2nd Straight Shutout In LLWS Win [Video]

How Big A Disaster Is This Cory Booker Thing For Obama?


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Pretty freakin’ big. When the opposition can slap together a web ad like this, you’ve officially become dog food. Not usin’ dogs as food, mind you; they already did that. But actual dog food. As in, Alpo. And the thing of it is that Cory Booker is at least as likable a guy as Obama Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Hayride Discovery Date : 22/05/2012 19:22 Number of articles : 2

How Big A Disaster Is This Cory Booker Thing For Obama?

John McCain: Let’s Increase Military Support to Libyan Rebels & Train Them to Oust Gadhafi


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BENGHAZI, Libya (AP) — U.S. Sen. John McCain called for increased military support for Libya’s rebels Friday, including weapons, training and stepped-up airstrikes, in a full-throated endorsement of the opposition in its fight to oust Moammar Gadhafi. In the Libyan capital, meanwhile, a senior official said government troops would step back and allow local armed tribesmen to deal with rebels in the… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 23/04/2011 03:04 Number of articles : 2

John McCain: Let’s Increase Military Support to Libyan Rebels & Train Them to Oust Gadhafi