Tag Archives: the-under-appreciated

Anti-Gravity Cat

Just think of the real-world applications. Space ships. … Um

See the original post:
Anti-Gravity Cat

Health Education With Little Red Riding Hood

Depressed brain fairies, metabolic syndrome, and the perks of being a main character. This video is a healthy reminder that if something on the internet is weird and animated, it's probably Japanese.

Read more:
Health Education With Little Red Riding Hood

Awesome Christmas Sweaters

I tried. I really tried to find ugly Christmas sweaters. I've come to the conclusion, there are no such thing

Go here to read the rest:
Awesome Christmas Sweaters

Pillow Mask

Now they'll never know if you're sleeping. The informative user guide lets you know that these are “reversible for your freshness.” And they are perfect for the under-appreciated midday nap.

Continued here:
Pillow Mask