Tag Archives: their-ballots

Dixville Notch Kicks Off New Hampshire Primary With Tie!

Dixville Notch has cast its ballots in the New Hampshire primary. If the tiny village is anything like the rest of the state (which it’s not), this is gonna be close! Voters in the hamlet famed for casting the first ballots in the US’ first primary found themselves in a 2-2 tie between Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman. Coming in second with one vote apiece were Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul . For the Democrats, President Barack Obama received three votes. The nine residents who cast their ballots in Dixville Notch at daybreak include three registered Republicans, two registered Democrats, and four independents. Those voters also represent the town’s entire population. Talk about turnout!

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Dixville Notch Kicks Off New Hampshire Primary With Tie!