Lady Gaga is ridiculous. I mean, I know she’s ugly, has an average at best body, and I am totally down with her getting naked as often as possible in her quest to be obscure and stand out from the crowd, but the whole thing seems desperate, even more desperate than her first album, because I guess she doesn’t want to feel like she’s peaked and like it’s all down hill for her, so she’s pulling out the big guns…but everyone knows her act, and the loyal fans will all still be their loving her like a bunch of queers they are, because she means so much to them on an emotional level…while the rest of know she’s crying to get noticed and we’ll notice cuz we like tits, but looking at pics of tits is way different than buying records and making her win awards. She’s done, expired. Over..and this fall into darkness is fun to watch. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
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Lady Gaga in a See Through Outfit of the Day