Tag Archives: their-payments

Pedo Files: Subway’s Resident Pervert Jared Fogle To Pay $1.4 Million To Child Sex Victims

Subway’s Jared Fogle To Pay Out $1.4 Million To Child Sex Victims Former Subway pitchman, Jared Fogle , has plead guilty to charges stemming from his involvement in a online child sex ring. As part of the plea deal his lawyers were able to negotiate, freaky azz Fogle must pay back $1.4 million in restitution to his victims according to CNN Checks for $100,000 have now been delivered to three of those victims who are now adults, as well as to the parents of seven other victims who are still minors, according to Timothy Horty, spokesman for the U.S. Attorney in Indianapolis. Four more victims will receive their payments pending some administrative details, Horty said, but Fogle has already put those funds into a trust account. The victims are allowed to use the funds without any restrictions. “The spirit is to help make them whole, get any kind of therapy they might need or pay for education expenses,” Horty said. Fogle is scheduled to be sentenced on Nov. 19 and faces between five and 12-1/2 years in prison. That’s flaw as HELL! Ain’t a damn thing about $100,000 gonna make any one of these folks “whole”. We can tell you one thing though, when Jared hits the shower, those boys in the bing are gonna want his “whole” azz! Image via AP

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Pedo Files: Subway’s Resident Pervert Jared Fogle To Pay $1.4 Million To Child Sex Victims