For someone about to be left all alone in the delivery room , Kim Kardashian sure seems cool with the man supposedly doing the leaving. With Kanye West celebrating his 36th birthday today, the reality star has taken to Twitter and wished her baby daddy the very best. “Happy Birthday to my best friend, the ❤ of my life, my soul!!!! I love you beyond words!” Kim then included the following collage of the couple on Instagram. Even we must admit: It’s very sweet. So we’re gonna let Kardashian finish and have the final say on this special day…
Ricky Gervais has created quite a bit of controversy over his reaction to the reaction of other people in the face of this week’s Oklahoma tornado. The comedian – who dared to mock Justin Bieber last month – retweeted an MTV News message Tuesday that read: “Beyonce, Rihanna & Katy Perry send prayers to #Oklahoma #PrayForOklahoma.” He wrote along with it: “I feel like an idiot now… I only sent money.” Gervais then included the following hashtag/message on his account: “You can support #Moore response by txting REDCROSS to 90999 to give $10, or online at #ActuallyDoSomethingForOklahoma.” The comedian, a well-known atheist, drew criticism for making fun of those who were praying for the victims, but he was undeterred, Tweeting again yesterday: “Praying for something but not doing anything to make it happen has the same effect as writing to Santa & not letting mummy read the letter.” Gervais concluded that “the best way to help the disaster victims” was through monetary donations. Do you agree? Which should be send to Oklahoma residents? Prayers Money Why can’t it be both? View Poll »