Tag Archives: these-empowered

Instagram Model Sommer Ray’s Ass of the Day

Sommer Ray is a young girl who has mastered the art of showcasing her butt from the right angles on instagram…coupled with buying the right fake followers…allowing her to exist as an entity people talk about…in a what you would call a fake it til you make it…and the funny thing is she’s faking it so hard that she’s photoshopping her ass aggressive, making her look like some 45 year old trashy Florida whore, and I guess people like it, because they haven’t been called out for being pervert sex offenders for following girls who are only around from the sheer shaemelessness of butt shots from various solid angles… Eventually, that will be the next thing to go, and perverts like me will go back to posting the content for perverts like you to watch, without anyone knowing…the beauty of the websites…no peers can tell who you’re jerking off to based on your follows on Instagram…because ultimately, the only reason you’d follow this ass is because it’s an ass. You sick fuck. You just haven’t been called out yet, but it will happen and all these empowered young people being whores who don’t matter…forgotten… The post Instagram Model Sommer Ray’s Ass of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Instagram Model Sommer Ray’s Ass of the Day