Tag Archives: these-thoughts

Cher Lloyd Is A Hot Little Number

I don’t know anything about this Cher Lloyd chick, she’s some sort of British singer or something, but I’m becoming a fan. Not because I’ve heard any of her music, who cares about that, but because she’s kind of a cutie. In a hot, scary kind of way. Here she is shaking her money maker on stage in a hot little dress. Wait, how old is this chick? Am I going to jail for these thoughts?

Byron Katie "Business"

eomega.org Byron Katie is the creator of a simple, powerful, and practical method of self-inquiry and transformation known as The Work, which she has introduced to hundreds of thousands of people at lectures and workshops in more than 30 countries. After more than a decade of struggling with severe depression, Katie experienced a profound and life-changing realization. She saw that when she believed that something should be different than it is (My husband should love me more, My children should appreciate me,) she suffered, and that when she didnt believe these thoughts, she felt peace. She realized that what had been causing her depression was not the world around her, but the beliefs she had about the world around her. In a sudden flash of insight, Katie awoke from her suffering and saw that her previous attempts to find happiness had been backward. Now, she could meet reality directly, and experience unimaginable freedom and joy with a simple process she named The Work. http://www.youtube.com/v/gJnGy00OPKI?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata More here: Byron Katie “Business”


See the article here:
Byron Katie "Business"