Tag Archives: think-the-basis

Taylor Hill in V Magazine of the Day

This is my favorite shoot of the year…maybe even the last 5 years… I don’t care if it’s forced, obviously it is forced, it’s a fucking photoshoot that they have to stage…and the concept in and of itself may come across as “trying to be edgy”…like so much of this bullshit… But I think it’s awesome, not because Taylor Hill, the New Victoria’s Secret model they use to promote their sweatshop products to a generation of dumb as fuck kids married to their cellphones and social media.. I just like the location and the concept of bikini modeling in obscure out of place scenes…some low class suburban home with a 70s pleather couch with some fucking weirdo family…brilliant…seriously… It takes a lot to impress me with shoots, I find everything so fucking cheesy and lame…I am bored of standard bikini pics and instagram style bullshit…I want more out of photos and this hit the mark… I know that no one is out there trying to impress me and that I lack little more to the world that “look at these slutty hooker tits craving attention”…but that’s because I’m forced to consume such garbage that you know brands pay tons of money for….at least with this…there’s something going on and it’s great.. I don’t believe in ART, art is lame, but I think the basis of art is to evoke something more than “tits of a hooker”…and V Magazine, the KARDASHIAN promoting fame whore magazine did good….. Sidenote, I once won a V magazine male model challenge, because the site used to have traffic and people voted for me….They never gave me my prize…so I hate them…but this shoot..is good. The post Taylor Hill in V Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Taylor Hill in V Magazine of the Day