Tag Archives: though-quiller

Seriously? High School Forced To Rehire Black Teacher Fired For Calling Students “Lazy ‘N-Words’”

Watch your mouth, lady! Teacher Fired For Calling Students Racial Slur May Be Rehired Due To Union Laws We understand teachers getting fed-up with kids on their job…but you can’t go around calling them racial slurs when you don’t appreciate their work ethic — even if you’re Black yourself. One Florida math teacher was fired for that very reason, but may actually get her job back due to a technicality. Would you want a teacher who called the kids out of their name back behind the desk the next semester? SMH. Via MailOnline : A math teacher who was fired this year for allegedly calling her students ‘n*****s’ may be re-hired after a judge ruled the school district didn’t follow the proper steps in her termination. Joyce Quiller, 51, taught math to at-risk students at Jean Ribault High School in Jacksonville, Florida when she got her termination letter last February. A judge last month ruled that the Duval School District violated Quiller’s union contract by firing her, instead of first putting her on suspension without pay. ‘The School Board skipped step three and went directly to termination even though, if the allegations were true, they would have amounted to what is considered a minor offense,’ Reginal Luster, Quiller’s legal consultant, told WJXT. ‘Not some type of severe misconduct on behalf of Ms Quiller. It does not warrant the termination.’ The school board will meet next week to discuss what to do about the judge’s ruling. According to a document detailing the January investigation, seven students in the 10th and 11th grade came forward to say Quiller used derogatory language to belittle them. Quiller worked as a math teacher in the Bridge to Success program, which aims at helping at-risk students. One student described the moment Quiller berated a group of boys after they walked into the classroom, saying: ‘You all are some lazy n****** for coming to class late.’ Another student, who had Quiller for Algebra 2 and Geometry, says she frequently called him the offensive name. ‘You are like the rest of these n*****s, now you want to come to school and do your work,’ she said to that student on one occasion. Other students say she has called them ‘stupid’ and ‘ignorant’ and has used other curse words in class. A student who forgot to bring a pencil to class says Quiller told him. ‘What is the point in coming to the mother-f****** class if you do not bring materials?’ However, Quiller’s legal counsel says the judge found the allegations ‘not credible at all’. Though Quiller has not issued a statement following the judge’s decision, she denied using the n-word in class in the January report. She wrote that as an African-American she ‘praised herself in being intelligent and classy’, and does not refer to herself or call people of color the n-word. She went on to say she doesn’t understand why the assistant principal has a ‘vendetta’ against her. If you can’t make it through the day teaching without calling the poor kids out of their names (at least not out loud) perhaps education is not the career path for you. If she truly said those things, she really does not belong back in the classroom.

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Seriously? High School Forced To Rehire Black Teacher Fired For Calling Students “Lazy ‘N-Words’”