Tag Archives: three-districts

Palin returns to Facebook and threatens to punish 20 of the Democrats who dared oppose her will.

From ADN : “We’re going to fire them and send them back to the private sector, which has been shrinking thanks to their destructive government-growing policies,” she said in her Facebook posting. “Maybe when they join the millions of unemployed, they’ll understand why Americans wanted them to focus on job creation and an invigorated private sector.” Palin said they’ll be focusing on three districts in Arkansas, Indiana and Tennessee where Democrats are retiring as well as on 17 incumbents in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Alabama, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia. Sister Sarah is in a right snit about the passing of this health care bill and she is bound and determined to raise enough money to challenge these upstart Democrats even if it bankrupts every single one of her wide eyed drooling followers to do it! I bet that almost makes it hard for her to sleep on her 300 count Egyptian silk sheets, in