Tag Archives: throng-streamed

Man Threatens To Stab Shoppers On Black Friday “I Will Stab One Of You!” [Video]

While this Black Friday has yet to produce anything as dramatic as the Waffle Iron Riot of 2011, or (thankfully) any tragic trampling deaths, the millions of cranky post-Thanksgiving early birds have produced one instant “celebrity.” At a Kmart in Sacramento, as the waiting throng streamed into the store, a man screamed at his fellow shoppers, “Calm the f%#k down! Push one of my kids and I will stab one of you motherf%@kers!” The man didn’t stab anyone, thankfully, and aside from police being called to a Kmart store in Indianapolis for a dispute over a television, Black Friday has, thus far, been uneventful. Fortunately, cable news being what it is, this is plenty of material to work with, and to run all weekend, leaving you free to be happy and safe, and hopefully home for the rest of the weekend. HLN youtube

Man Threatens To Stab Shoppers On Black Friday “I Will Stab One Of You!” [Video]