Tag Archives: too-unrealistic

Stephanie Fantauzzi Brings Some Tits on TV of the Day

I didn’t watch Shameless last night…because I don’t have a TV and I avoid my creepy neighbor who lets me use his for such important events like the Academy Awards….despite not wanting to hang with him…cuz all he wears is a robe and is often times exposed and touching himself while staring at me….even though I’m not a very good lookin dude…in fact I’m the kind of guy who can go to a gay bar and not have one guy…not even the lonely guy try to talk to me…making the whole experience pretty sad and not one I like to throw myself into….But thanks to the internet….I get to see all the good parts without the sexual harassment….I am also not that into Shameless cuz it is too sensationalized, you know just throw everything at a story that is offensive and wrong and people will love it…making it too unrealistic to get into…. Her name is Stephanie Fantauzzi….and here she is makin’ it in the entertainment industry…one nipple at a time…


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Stephanie Fantauzzi Brings Some Tits on TV of the Day