Tag Archives: turn-the-entire

Bruce Willis and his Fame Whore Wife of the Day

You know that when this girl first got fucked by Bruce Willis and by fucked I mean when he hired her to be his escort for the night, not to say that she’s a whore, but to say that she definitely stuck around because he is a rich hollywood star, pretty much making her a whore, just not the conventional kind you find on the teeth begging to suck your dick for 5 dollars, she called everyone she knew and told them some “You’ll never believe who I just fucked” and from that day on she plotted how she was going to keep motherfucker trapped. She probably sat there and figured out strategy. First she put all her negative qualities, her neediness, her bitchiness and nagging that her last boyfriends dumped her over and decided that she wouldn’t let any of that shine, she knew she needed to be that perfect girl, that why he’d marry her and she’d never have to work again, so if anything, this would be her job, this would be her focus, all her energy would be to make this meal-ticket happen, and by the looks of it, it worked

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Bruce Willis and his Fame Whore Wife of the Day

Stephanie Pratt’s Unfortunate Last Name of the Day

I am not going to say that Stephanie Pratt is hot, because her face looks like a pile of fucking shit after I ate my wife’s make-up one night when I was fuckin’ drunk, but I am trying to ignore the fact that she is not only on the biggest piece of garbage to hit televison since Laguna Beach, I am also going to really try to ignore that she is only on the show because she is related to Spencer Pratt, and not the kind of related you don’t mind being, like second cousins or some shit, because this bitch fell out of the same fucking pussy as him. I am doing my best to appreciate her tight skinny body, because in this day and age, it’s a rarity because that whole obesity crisis is taking the fuck over, and girls who would have been hot are now fat and ugly girls who are skinny are considered hot just because we have limited options and take what we can fucking get and the way I’m doing that is imagining that if I was know I was going to fuck her, I’d go out and fuck the dirtiest street whore I could find a few weeks earlier, without a condom, in hopes of getting AIDS, that I can pass onto her and in turn the entire cast of The Hills because they use the same port-o-potty or some shit..pretty much saving the fucking world from the garbage these assholes spew

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Stephanie Pratt’s Unfortunate Last Name of the Day