Tag Archives: twitter-crying

Emmy Rossum Twitter Bikini Pics of the Day

I don’t know why I hate Emmy Rossum, but I do…Maybe it all stems from her blocking me on Twitter, and me thinking that was rude when all I’m looking for is friends to do fun things with….but I have a feeling it has to do with her thinking she’s a bigger fucking deal than she is cuz the celebrity bug bit her after she got cast on a show as a bitch who gets naked and getting naked on TV shows staring geniuses like William H Macy, usually mean recruiting a couple fans along the way, fans that may be loyal for now…but when the ship has sailed and no one cares to cast the bitch….when the good times end….maybe she realize she’s fucking garbage….but until then…she’s posting to pics of her in a bikini on Twitter and her fans are all sucking her dick about how fit she looks….I’m posting it cuz I am just into bikinis on all girls….whether on TV or on twitter crying for attention….

Continued here:
Emmy Rossum Twitter Bikini Pics of the Day

Emmy Rossum Twitter Bikini Pics of the Day

I don’t know why I hate Emmy Rossum, but I do…Maybe it all stems from her blocking me on Twitter, and me thinking that was rude when all I’m looking for is friends to do fun things with….but I have a feeling it has to do with her thinking she’s a bigger fucking deal than she is cuz the celebrity bug bit her after she got cast on a show as a bitch who gets naked and getting naked on TV shows staring geniuses like William H Macy, usually mean recruiting a couple fans along the way, fans that may be loyal for now…but when the ship has sailed and no one cares to cast the bitch….when the good times end….maybe she realize she’s fucking garbage….but until then…she’s posting to pics of her in a bikini on Twitter and her fans are all sucking her dick about how fit she looks….I’m posting it cuz I am just into bikinis on all girls….whether on TV or on twitter crying for attention….

Continued here:
Emmy Rossum Twitter Bikini Pics of the Day

Emmy Rossum Twitter Bikini Pics of the Day

I don’t know why I hate Emmy Rossum, but I do…Maybe it all stems from her blocking me on Twitter, and me thinking that was rude when all I’m looking for is friends to do fun things with….but I have a feeling it has to do with her thinking she’s a bigger fucking deal than she is cuz the celebrity bug bit her after she got cast on a show as a bitch who gets naked and getting naked on TV shows staring geniuses like William H Macy, usually mean recruiting a couple fans along the way, fans that may be loyal for now…but when the ship has sailed and no one cares to cast the bitch….when the good times end….maybe she realize she’s fucking garbage….but until then…she’s posting to pics of her in a bikini on Twitter and her fans are all sucking her dick about how fit she looks….I’m posting it cuz I am just into bikinis on all girls….whether on TV or on twitter crying for attention….

Continued here:
Emmy Rossum Twitter Bikini Pics of the Day