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Britney Spears ‘taking risks’ for new video

Britney Spears is 'taking risks' for the video for new single Hold It Against Me, according to choreographer Brian Friedman.

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Britney Spears ‘taking risks’ for new video


NZ_Paramore RT Chrisbrownation The beliebers thought it was funny to make RIP Nelson Mandela trend now RIP Justin Bieber is trending. RIP Nelson Mandela You were a LEGEND a FATHER and most of all our LEADER God rest your soul Amen 15. Guys dont hate she said. The Best Humor WebsiteFree Amazing videosmost amazing images. Pac always stayed real until the end R. tagiconok funny justin bieber pics commenticon 7 comentarii. Once again Justin Bieber has gone undercover. The most recent one is none other than South Africas Nelson Mandela and teen sensation Justin Bieber. Proteas rip through India. see how quick karma works Updated 15 January 2011 223 pm View Tweet. TwitterDoodle by The Lessnau Lounge. Ditto all the thousands of retweets of JUSTIN BIEBER RIP which trended on Twitter immediately after. When Justin Bieber flirted with superstar vi. buzzbee3000 the twitter whale got RIP justin bieber trending. RT UnitedJB so we got RIP JUSTIN BIEBER appreciatebieber Jason Born and ripbieberhaters all trending. However unlike Kardashian Biebers legions of fans didnt rip the starlet apart. Although this news was first confirmed back in June Variety announces today that Universal has hired a writer and is giving full. TwitterDoodle by The Lessnau Lounge. Ditto all the thousands of retweets of JUSTIN BIEBER RIP which trended on Twitter immediately after. Twitter Youve made me proud 20110115 205116 Reply View. 20110115 205117 Reply View dazgale RIP Justin Bieber trending is just sick and completely fucked up. Nelson Mandela is not dead but alive and fit. RIP Justin Bieber 19942010. I made sure to say Hey ladies dont be mad. However unlike Kardashian Biebers legions of fans didnt rip the starlet apart. If you visit Twitter right now you will see RIP JUSTIN BEIBER and RIP NELSON MANDELA as the trending topics. 20110115 202112 Reply View WeLuvChuckee504 RT PowPowTheEnd NOBODY ON TWITTER GIVES A FUCK ABOUT HOW YOU FEEL SO IN THAT CASE STOP COMPLANING ThanksManagement.

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