Tag Archives: underwear-ads

Justin Bieber Or Harry Styles: Who Wore Throwback Calvin Klein …

Who wore the throwback CK look best: Justin Bieber or Harry Styles? Photo: @ justinbieber 's Instagram/Getty Images. Back in the day, Calvin Klein was known more for its raunchy, black-and-white underwear ads and logos

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Justin Bieber Or Harry Styles: Who Wore Throwback Calvin Klein …

David Beckham Not Doing Undie Ad with Angie…But Wouldn’t It Be Nice?

So, apparently there was some sort of rumor going around last week that über-hottie David Beckham was going to take a break from posing for underwear ads with his hot wife and cuddle up next…

Original post:
David Beckham Not Doing Undie Ad with Angie…But Wouldn’t It Be Nice?