Tag Archives: unending-tunnel

Sigh…Guess Which Football Player Is Chopping Down Kimmy’s Cakes NOW!!!

This broad’s hoo ha is an unending tunnel of want. After striking out with Tebow , this broad is apparently making late night booty calls to New York Jet Mark Sanchez. Here’s the details : “Kim and Mark like to meet in hotels for dinner dates and flings.” “Whenever Kim is in New York, they hang out. They are very careful with not being seen together, Mark is seeing someone! She has her hopes set on a bigger star than Sanchez. But for now, he will do.” Arghhh! This broad is driving us crazy. Just take that cooch and throw it in the freezer and put it on ice for a few months. She’s just throwing herself at any man with a ball in his hand. Good to see she’s mourning Kris and enjoying all of those Bible studies. But here’s the kicker: Mark Sanchez is allegedly chopping down mega hot model Kate Upton. But that makes us want to know, which one should he choose? We have a few pics of each woman so you can decide which one you would want to chop down the most! Sound off!

Originally posted here:
Sigh…Guess Which Football Player Is Chopping Down Kimmy’s Cakes NOW!!!