Tag Archives: unload-the-19th

What Happened to Nicolas Cage’s eBay Vampire Photo? Let’s Go to the Animated Videotape

The Web experienced one of those slow-news-week stirrings last weekend when a seller on eBay put up incontrovertible photographic evidence (ahem) of Nicolas Cage chilling for a portrait back around the time of the Civil War. Cage is undead, the argument (AHEM) went, and so what better way to capitalize on this bracing phenomenological development than to unload the 19th-century artifact to the highest bidder? Anyway, that auction came and went, but not without the definitive, deeply necessary 60-second animated recap you were praying for.

The rest is here:
What Happened to Nicolas Cage’s eBay Vampire Photo? Let’s Go to the Animated Videotape