Tag Archives: unrelated-story

Hilary Duff’s Pregnant Legs in Shorts of the Day

Here are some pictures of some Hilary Duff’s recently pregnant legs, who decided at 23, after a year of marriage that it’s a good time to be 3 months pregnant, even though she’s already thick and there’s no way she’ll ever bounce back from this, even though they say it’s easier to bounce back when you’re young, you’ll see, she’ll prove that theory wrong… In an unrelated story, that I think may be related, Vancouver Canuck hockey player named Rick Rypien was found dead, after taking 9 months off hockey, which could very possibly be because Mike Comrie was his lover and the news put him over the fucking edge…at least that’s what I’m assuming…cuz I’m convinced there’s no way he’s not a HOMOJOCK…cuz he’s the reason for pre pregnant Hilary Duff’s thickness, when slapping a helmet on her and fucking her up the ass, it’s almost like the real homo thing….but now we just need to figure out how his cum went from anus to vagina….

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Hilary Duff’s Pregnant Legs in Shorts of the Day