Tag Archives: unto-the-breach

X Men Days of Future Past Reviews: Does It Mark the Spot?

X Men Days of Future Past is set to do battle with Godzilla. The latest edition of this awesome franchise has been released in theaters, bringing stars such as Jennifer Lawrence , Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Halle Berry, James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender together in two different periods of time. Is the latest superhero movie receiving super reviews? In a word: Yes. Big time. Scroll down for a summary of a few reviews and prepare to a blast into the entertaining past some at some point this weekend…  For those who felt The Last Stand was a poor exit for many of these characters, X-Men: Days of Future Past should at least salve the wound in part. – James Berardinelli The characters – and the performers playing them – step unto the breach to provide just enough wit and feeling to make “Days of Future Past” something other than a waste of a reasonable person’s time. – A.O. Scott Time travel, Peter Dinklage and 1970s kitsch top a very long list of what makes “X-Men: Days of Future Past” such a blast. – Betsy Sharkey In the capable hands of director Bryan Singer, who helmed the first two X-Men films, it’s a nearly seamless adventure ride despite a plot that at times strains credulity. – Bruce Demara An audacious, thrilling adventure that’s the most epic adventure yet featuring everyone’s favorite mutants. – Jeffrey Lyles Days of Future Past manages to never buckle under the weight of its unbelievable foundations to make for the summer’s most satisfying blockbuster so far.  – Rodrigo Perez 33 Memorable Movie Posters 1. Yeezus Movie Poster The first poster for Yeezus is out. Kanye West, of course, is behind the mysterious film.

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X Men Days of Future Past Reviews: Does It Mark the Spot?