Want to know what I hate about Ashley Greene, other than the fact that she’s in that piece of shit emo movie Twilight, a movie you’d probably expect me to like because it is porn for teenage girls, but I can’t see past the fact that the cast isn’t hot, everyone is a shade of green like a bad Fall Out Boy Music video and most importantly there are no exposed tits or genitals, so the idea teen girls masturbate over it and it’s implied eroticism doesn’t do shit for me….I hate that she was one of those teenage girls back home in Florida who planned a modeling career for herself. She was that girl who you see in bars or who is in your classroom who acted too good for everyone else because she thought she was too good for everyone else and on weekends she’d go to modeling agencies asking to get signed, only to be told she’s too short which is code for too fat and ugly, and I guess her perseverance led her into Hollywood, but the good news is that she’s not too famous to pump her fuckin’ gas. She’s just a bottom feeder holdin’ on, hoping this Twilight thing lasts another 10 years cuz it is her lottery ticket or some shit
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Ashley Greene Pumps Gas of the Day