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Marilyn Monroe Plastic Surgery Records to Be Auctioned

Marilyn Monroe’s plastic surgery files from the ’50s and ’60s will be auctioned off to the highest bidder later this fall, according to media reports. According to auctioneers, the late icon’s medical records, which include her plastic surgery procedures, will be available in an auction next month. “Rumors regarding Marilyn Monroe’s plastic surgery continue to astonish the media and public,” Julien’s Auctions, located in Hollywood, commented. The auction revealed that the files that will be auctioned include many X-rays alongside several doctors’ notations, not all of which involve plastic surgery. For example, five years before her death in 1962 at the age of 36, medical data revealed that the renowned sex symbol had an ectopic pregnancy. “[Her procedures have] long remained a mystery,” the auctioneer said. “Because her looks were so natural, it was hard for many to believe the reports that in 1950 Monroe had undergone her first plastic surgery.” “”[The files] clear any doubt of Monroe’s early plastic surgery procedures and cast new details on the actual procedures that would transform [Monroe].” The auction house also revealed that Monroe used many different aliases during her doctor visits. One of these aliases is believed to be Marilyn Miller. In 1958, Monroe allegedly sought cosmetic help for her “chin deformity.” The superstar’s complaint stemmed from the fact that in 1950, she received a cartilage implant in her chin, which has since started to dissolve. She also had a tip rhinoplasty, which modified her nose, reports say. The very last medical entry in the actress’ file is dated June 7, 1962. Monroe had used the alias Joan Newman during her medical visit to treat a fall. The auction will be held on November 10.

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Marilyn Monroe Plastic Surgery Records to Be Auctioned