Tag Archives: using-condoms

Hilary Duff’s Got a Million Dollar Engagement Ring of the Day

This Mike Comrie dude is a real fucking idiot. I guess he feels like he needs to wine and dine his bitch cuz she’s some high maintenance popstar teenie bopper he used to jerk off to and now she is his. So dude’s trying to keep her happy and feeling special as long as he fuckin’ can, and he’s doin’ that by buying her a 1 million dollar engagement ring…. Now, I understand that dude is probably white trash, middle of the road, not used to money, growing up in a home where his dad would spend his whole paycheck on a case of beer, so for him a million dollars doesn’t seem like a lot of money, it’s just a percentage of what he makes, but unless you’re a fucking billionaire and even if you are a billionaire, this kind of excessive spending is just idiotic. We all know they are going to end up divorced and no ring is worth giving to someone that is that expensive and the fact she would accept it instead of making him take it back just shows what kind of life they will have together. She thinks she’s a fucking princess who deserves this…instead of thinking that 1,000,000 dollars could be put to better use in their life….any woman who accepts this kind of gift is one to stay the fuck away from…there are red flags all over her grubby little hands…as she smiles and giggles and is overjoyed in her greed and excessiveness….it’s disgusting… Seriously, he would have been better off just spending 10,000 on a ring, or even 100,000 on a ring, and taking the rest to the fucking Casino….but maybe this is just his way of paying her off not to tell the public that he appreciates a good dick in his ass in the locker room whenever his team loses to teach him a lesson….I mean there’s gotta be more behind this than a dude being a moron…because there are a lot of people richer than these two idiots combined in the world….like much richer than these two idiots combined who don’t spend this kind of money on a ring and I just haven’t figured out what the story behind this is, but I will…I will make it my life mission..or I won’t but will pretend I will for the sake of this post. See the sacrifices I make for you, I am even willing to pretend I care about Hilary Duff publicly…That’s some serious commitment on my part…. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Hilary Duff’s Got a Million Dollar Engagement Ring of the Day

Plenty of Fish Spokesperson of the Day

There are three things you can learn from this Indiana man and his use of Plenty of Fish. The first being that it is a place where you can get easy fucking pussy because the second a bitch signs up to the shit, she is ready for cock. That is why anyone you know who has no standards will tell you just how good the site is for getting laid….The second thing you can learn from this is that with easy pussy comes dirty pussy cuz they aren’t out there insisting on using condoms…the third thing you can learn from this is that if you’re HIV positive they can arrest you for just trying to have a good time because you are considered a deadly weapon, but not the cool kind everyone wants to play with, but the bad kind that no one wants to shake hands or share drinks with…..as if getting HIV wasn’t bad enough…even though you can leave 30 years with the shit…now they gotta stop the fun even though you got HIV so you wouldn’t need to use condoms anymore cuz you got the worst of it, in some catch 22 bullshit….I guess this is just more proof that life sucks for more people than just me….

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Plenty of Fish Spokesperson of the Day

Jessica Simpson and her Furry Coat of the Day

I wonder if Jessica Simpson maintains her pussy hair as well as she maintains her jacket. I figure as a recently fat chick, that means she’s going through some kind of depression, pretty much giving up on herself, partially because her sister is doing so well after living in her shadow for so long, partially because her career has gone to shit, partially because she can’t land a stable boyfriend to marry her and knock her up and partially because her dad’s insisted on using condoms now when he fucks her for fear that she hasn’t been taking her pill and knowing that she won’t buy the abortion line again cuz she is dying to be a mom and he can’t have that flipper baby be proof of where he dips his dick into what is his because he made it, but what society won’t allow him to use the way he wants to, even though he made it. And…here’s a video of her fucking a candle with her ear, because she is an idiot and thinks it cleans our ear wax, which is disgusting, but also BULLSHIT and she’s doing it for a gay

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Jessica Simpson and her Furry Coat of the Day