Tag Archives: vegetarian-keto

Snatched N’ Stankin’: Skinny-Hopefuls Suffer From Pungent Pussycat Coined “Keto Crotch” By Dispirited Dieters

Source: Roo Lewis / Getty Female Keto Dieters Complain Of Unpleasant Vaginal Odor By now there is a good chance you know someone who has tried the popular keto diet that encourages low-carb eating that pushes lots of proteins and fats. If you said to yourself “No, actually I don’t know anyone who has tried the keto diet, Bossip”, then allow us to explain why you probably do know such a person, you just didn’t know it. According to Insider , there is a side-effect of this trending weight-loss eating regimen that Reddit users are calling “keto crotch”. The term refers to the unavoidable smell of women’s vaginas as a result of the high fat diet that takes the body some time to get used to. “Foods change the pH of the body. When this happens, the body will emit certain odors,” De Fazio told INSIDER. “The keto diet [may] change your vaginal pH, which alters your vaginal odor — and it may not smell like roses.” Have you noticed that your snatched-waist lady friend has been fine-as-hell-yet-not-so-fresh lately? Welp… Peep some of what Reddit users have said about this as reported by the NYPost: “I am very, SMELLY” one distressed Redditer shared. “Have any of you tried vegetarian keto and found a reduction in your funk factor, specifically below the belt?” a concerned redditor asked. Another advised: “It took me a couple months to ‘level out,’” in terms of the intimate funk. You down with Keto P?

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Snatched N’ Stankin’: Skinny-Hopefuls Suffer From Pungent Pussycat Coined “Keto Crotch” By Dispirited Dieters