Tag Archives: very-controlled

Khloe Kardashian to Sit Down with Ryan Seacrest, Bare Lamar Odom-Laden Soul?

Save for the occasional Instagram post, Khloe Kardashian has scarcely said a word about Lamar Odom over the past several weeks. While various sources saying Khloe is being pressured by Kris Jenner to divorce her troubled husband, the boldest move Kardashian has made to date is to drop “Odom” from an online profile. But that may soon change. Khloe Kardashian Posts Cryptic Lamar Odom Message “Khloe is planning on doing a very controlled ‘tell-all’ type interview with Ryan Seacrest,” an insider tells OK! Weekly, adding that Khloe is under contract with E! and adding: “She trusts them and knows they are on her side and can sympathize with her.” They can also make plenty of money off the special. When can we expect it to air? Likely never, considering this unreliable source. But the Khloe and Lamar marriage must be coming to a head at some point. Do you think these two will make it?   Yes. With love and hard work, they will find a way. No. The damage has been done and is too great. View Poll »

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Khloe Kardashian to Sit Down with Ryan Seacrest, Bare Lamar Odom-Laden Soul?

Exclusive: Pete Wentz Talks Mysterious New Black Cards Project

‘Later tonight and this week there will be more of Bl4ck C4rds revealed,’ he cryptically tells MTV News. By James Montgomery Pete Wentz Photo: Soul Brother/ FilmMagic For a guy so used to talking about, well, everything, Pete Wentz has been rather tight-lipped when it comes to Black Cards (or, as he puts it, “Bl4ck C4rds”), the mysterious new project he’s been putting together over the past few months. So far, there has been just a simple blog post about the thing, which included a link to the new Black Cards website and a message from Wentz that “there will be no treasure hunt. [No] viral campaign … just the opposite. Next week things will appear on this site in a very controlled distribution.” And he wasn’t kidding. The site now features a snippet of one song — an electronic, Elfman-via-Mos Eisley Cantina composition featuring a female singer, reportedly called “A Club Called Heaven” — and on Monday, Wentz took to his Twitter account to promise that there’d be even more Black Cards stuff coming Tuesday night (July 6). But other than that, he’s played the Cards close to the vest, and he kept it up when MTV News e-mailed him for more information on the project, writing only: “Later tonight and this week there will be more of Bl4ck C4rds revealed.” Of course, we sent him a follow-up e-mail, one that asked him just who is actually in the group (former Chiodos frontman Craig Owens seems to be involved, since he posted a short video playing a snippet of the same song on Vimeo ). More specifically, we had to know the identity of the much-discussed female singer, who some fans believe is Wentz’s wife, Ashlee Simpson. And, in keeping with recent form, this is how he replied: “Nobody is guessing right so far.” With that, the mystery continues to grow — until (presumably) Thursday night, at least. Are you curious to find out more about Wentz’s Black Cards? Let us know your theories the comments!

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Exclusive: Pete Wentz Talks Mysterious New Black Cards Project