Tag Archives: very-treatable

Fred Thompson death of cause

On November 1, 2015, Fred Thompson died from a recurrence of lymphoma at the age of 73. Thompson had non-Hodgkin#39;s lymphoma #x0028;NHL#x0029;, a form of cancer, since around 2005. “I have had no illness from it, or even any symptoms. My life expectancy should not be affected. I am in remission, and it is very treatable with drugs if treatment is needed in the future — and with no debilitating side effects,” Thompson said. Thompson#39;s cancer, was reportedly indolent, the lowest of three

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Fred Thompson death of cause

The Perfect Internet Video

It's all about the perfect meeting of events (and capturing it on film) to create the world's most amazing Internet video. Thanks to Aaron Meyers , who captured this moment to share with the web, and Urlesque for creating the perfect word to describe it: ” KisNET .” Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Adam Yauch Has (Treatable) Cancer

Sad news: Adam “MCA” Yauch has a cancerous tumor in his salivary gland.

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Adam Yauch Has (Treatable) Cancer