Tag Archives: vice-off-stage

Light It Up: Drizzy Blazes Up On Stage With Lil Wayne At NYC Tour Stop

Aubrey… you don’t have to do this . Via DailyMail : Drake has been open about his affection for marijuana, admitting he smokes it ‘within moderation’. The Canadian rapper always insisted he would keep his vice off stage to keep his mind clear and focused during a gig. However, it appears the 27-year-old has changed his opinion of on-stage smoking as he shared a joint with Lil’ Wayne at their concert in Queens, New York City on Tuesday. Joined by frequent collaborator Lil’ Wayne, 31, at the Forest Hills Stadium, Drake enjoyed a joint on-stage in between tracks. Holding his microphone ins one hand and the roll-up in another, Drake inhaled deeply before offering it to Lil’ Wayne. Marijuana for medicinal purposes just became legal in New York last month, although this doesn’t extend to recreational use. The hip-hop star has been open about his marijuana use, but was adamant his use of the drug wasn’t over-the-top. He told the Guardian: ‘All within moderation. I care too much about what I have. I’m not going to throw it away for that. ‘I don’t understand people who can go out on stage under the influence of anything, I have to be straight and clear minded, kids at home.’ Well so much for that! Just please do us all a favor and don’t catch a charge. We doubt you and your sensitive waffle-toned antics would fare well in the clink.

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Light It Up: Drizzy Blazes Up On Stage With Lil Wayne At NYC Tour Stop