Tag Archives: victims-attacks

#RandallMargraves: The Father Of Three Larry Nassar Victims Attacked Him In Court & Shattered Twitter

A father of three victims tried to attack Larry Nassar in the courtroom before being restrained by police. pic.twitter.com/pyjtjXHlr7 — SportsCenter (@SportsCenter) February 2, 2018 Father Of Victims Attacks Larry Nassar In Court Everyone’s buzzing over broken father Randall Margraves (father of 3 young ladies who were sexually abused by disgraced serial predator Larry Nassar ) attacking the nefarious ex-doctor mid-hearing in a genuinely stunning (and heart-shattering) moment that shut down the whole entire internet. Bailiff me watching Larry Nassar get attacked even i'm “supposed” to protect him: pic.twitter.com/CJ2j9MwWqm — LastPrinceofKrypton (@GodofKrypton) February 2, 2018 Peep the Twitter hysteria over a broken dad’s justice on the flip.

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#RandallMargraves: The Father Of Three Larry Nassar Victims Attacked Him In Court & Shattered Twitter