Tag Archives: voting-record

Al Franken Mocks Mosque Critics

“It’s a community center. They’re going to have a gym. They’re going to have point guards. Muslim point guards,” Franken said, to laughter and applause. “They (Republicans) do this every two years. They try to find a wedge issue, and they try to work it.” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/08/19/al-franken-conservative-c_n_687696.html added by: atomiclegion

Sharron’s Angle: No Gay Rights

Sharron Angle of Nevada would be detrimental to gay people across the country if she wins the November election against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, gay and lesbian political leaders said in several different ways during a conference call on Thursday. Callers stressed Angle's voting record as a member of the Independent American Party, which took out ads in 1994 warning that HIV/AIDS could be spread through “contaminated water” and another 16-page advertising insert that promoted constitutionally legalizing discrimination against gay people. The ad ran in several Nevada newspapers. added by: TimALoftis