Tag Archives: wacky-cultural

Somewhere Trailer: It’s a Sofia Coppola Megamix!

The Somewhere trailer is out and I’m short on time (plus it’s not embeddable), so let’s make this brief: is this the ultimate Sofia Coppola movie or what? There’s a dreamy blond waif straight out of The Virgin Suicides , a past-his-prime actor living out his ennui in a hotel just like in Lost in Translation (and a wacky cultural side trip to Italy that may provide more region-specific humor in the vein of “Lip my stocking”), and the deliciously composed shots and decadence of Marie Antoinette . Does that sound like a negative, derivative appraisal? Quite the contrary: those things couldn’t make me more excited. Come out already! [ Apple ]

See more here:
Somewhere Trailer: It’s a Sofia Coppola Megamix!