Tag Archives: waistline-one

Demi Lovato Concert Crotch Shot of the Day

Body Positive promoter who liked the angle of body positivity since it allowed her to get fat, is on some “I’m a sexy girl” kick, because why else would she be performing in lingerie like some kind of trollop…. Her fans are young girls, I don’t think jacking up leather panties into your bi sexual cooter is a solid example of feminism…especially when you have a fucking corset making you have a waistline one…that’s kind of anti – body positivity, that’s “I wear harnesses to make me seem thinner than I am, and I’ve been working out getting hot, since no one actually likes a fat chick”…now that she’s single again…and on the prowl. It’s just weird to me how inconsistent these people are, but Demi Lovato can always blame her bipolar disorder. It’s the “get out jail free” card…the “I’m bi polar”…excuse for everything…I just wish we were talking about her Miley Cyrus sex tape – that apparently exists…rumors I’m ready to see exist… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Demi Lovato Concert Crotch Shot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Demi Lovato Concert Crotch Shot of the Day